13 December, 2009

H1N1 precautions

My wife is pregnant. Recent TV reports have drawn my attention to the fact that pregnant women are prown to getting infected with the N1H1 virus more easily and with more serious consecwences than us other civilians. She was 7 months pregnant yesterfay, so we decided that its just not worth the risk at this stage.
We decided to weare medical masks when we went to a hypermarket for the weekly shopping sesion.
But, at the last moment, I cowardly refused to weare mine. I simply was scared of peoples possible reactions. Anyway, my whife was braver, much braver than me, and for that I respect her even more.
She put on her mask and went in not caring a bit about the (idiotic and rude) stearing that people did. At every 5 minutes we even heard jokes and sarcastic caufing from people. But most of them just steared for more than 5 seconds at her, "the freak".
People are generally scared of anything they do not know or do not understand. My wife is brave and proud and committed to bringing our daugther into the world in best conditions possible. I love you, Cami.

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